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Soul mate reading by amylimhealing

Soul Mate Reading

A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over life times. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.”-

Edgar Cayce


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Soul Mates Reading

It is believed by many that a lasting relationship can transcend lifetimes. Soul mates are often thought of as individuals or even pets that we have shared many lives with. This is because true love and our souls are said to be eternal.

Great news! You can now order a Soul-Mates Reading to discover your relationships with others and how to live in harmony with them. This reading can help you understand compatibility in relationships with parents, siblings, spouses, friends, and even pets. You can also find partners for business, work, and more. Order now to  find out how past lives relationships affect your current life.

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Soul-Mates Reading:  - To know your own soul signs, prediction on character, health, career, wealth, love and marriage.  - To understand compatibility relationship with others:, parents, siblings, spouses, friends and pets  -To find suitable partners, business partner, staffs, colleagues, maids, workers etc.
Purple Background with Bubbles

Soul Mates Reading

Since Ancient times, all part of the world and cultures has their own astrology prediction based on planetary movement. The sun, moon and stars played an important part in influencing our life. Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes that claim to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other planetary objects at the time of their birth. Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events.


Beside the 12 horoscope stars that are well-known to us, there are also 27 star constellations that complete the entire zodiac. Soul Mates Reading is based on ancient esoteric Vajrayana tradition to calculate our Soul signs. From this calculation, we can know our character, destiny, career, health condition, life challenges and also relationship with others. 


It is believes that each of us is born with a fixed star sign that symbolise and represent our soul sign. Each of us has a Soul sign amd this sign symbolise our soul and no matter how many lives you have lived, you still belong to that star sign. This is because our body will die but soul is eternal.


Many people that we met in our life journey has a connection related to our past lives. Some are harmony relationships that bring us joy and positive experience  but some are fatal attractions that caused us pain and suffering. Every one come to out life for a reason, we are all here to learn our life lessons. By understanding our past lives connection with these people, it helps us  understanding ourselves and others better, heal the relationships and re-shape our future. 


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Soulmate reading,
soulmaste reading by amylimhealing

Are You Having Relationship Issues with People in Your Life?

Soul Mates Reading can help you find the answers why the relationship seems cannot work in a harmony way.

Have you ever wondered why you instantly like a person or an animal you just met? You feel a sense of closeness and happiness when you're with them.


Have you ever felt ignored and disliked someone at the first meeting? You feel uncomfortable and drained of energy when you're around this person.

Have you wondered why a certain person keeps causing obstacles for you? Perhaps this person is a loved one or a family member whom you cannot disown, and you have to bear with their unsupportive and irritable nature.

Have you met someone that you often mistreat, use, are dishonest with, or take advantage of? No matter how much you ill-treat them, this person never leaves you and remains supportive.

These feelings are unexplainable, but our intuition never lies. Every contact has a past connection. This suggests that there are links from our past lives that influence our relationships in this life. As long as we live, we face relationship problems.


These issues can arise from family, spouses, partners, bosses, colleagues, classmates, and even pets. By understanding your own Soul Star and your relationships with others, you can gain better insight into the nature of these relationships. This understanding will help you create more harmonious ways to live with others.

Soul Pet Reading

Is it Love at First Sight or Fatal Attraction? Is Your Pet Your Soul Mate?

Some pets are so obedient and cause no problems for the household. Some even bring luck and love, and the whole household lives in harmony after adopting them. This is because they are your creditor stars, here to assist you.

On the other hand, some pets are mischievous and uncontrollable. Like debtor stars, they bite, chew on everything, bark incessantly, cause family quarrels, and generate complaints from neighbors, leading to stress.

The Soul Pet Relationship: From Past Lives to This Life!

The bond between you and your pet can transcend time, spanning across multiple lifetimes. This connection can explain why you feel an immediate closeness and affection for certain animals. In past lives, your pet might have been a trusted companion, a protector, or even a guide. This deep, soulful connection carries over into this life, manifesting as an instant bond.


Creditor Stars and Debtor Stars
  • Creditor Stars: These pets bring positivity, luck, and harmony into your life. They are believed to be souls that have come to repay a debt from a past life, assisting you in various ways and enhancing the overall energy of your household.

  • Debtor Stars: These pets can be challenging, bringing chaos and stress. They are thought to be souls to whom you owe a karmic debt. Their presence is an opportunity for you to learn patience, compassion, and understanding, despite the difficulties they may bring.

Recognizing and Embracing the Connection


By recognizing the potential past life connections with your pets, you can gain a deeper understanding of their behavior and your relationship with them. Embracing this connection allows you to appreciate the lessons and love they bring into your life, whether they are creditor stars bringing harmony or debtor stars teaching resilience. This perspective can help you create a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your pets, appreciating the spiritual journey you share.

Note: Do not abandon your pet if he or she is your Debor Star!

soulpet relationship reading. your relationships with your pets by amylimhealing
Soul Pet Reading-Is your pet your soul mate

There are six kinds of Relationships in Soul Mates and Soulpet Readings


Understanding Soul Connections: Past Lives and Present Relationships


Our relationships with others often pick up where they left off in past lives. Loved ones, friends, colleagues, and pets may have been our soul mates, close friends, or even enemies in previous incarnations. The nature of these relationships, influenced by karma, tends to remain consistent.

If a reading reveals that a relationship is not harmonious, the purpose is to help you understand, accept, and improve it, making life less of a struggle. All readings serve as a guide and should be approached with an open mind. Remember, we always have the power to change our destiny for the better.

Image by Ben White

01. Debtor and Creditor Roles in Relationships 

Our relationships with others often pick up where they left off in past lives. Loved ones, friends, colleagues, and pets may have been our soul mates, close friends, or even enemies in previous incarnations. The nature of these relationships, influenced by karma, tends to remain consistent.

Debtor and Creditor Roles

Creditor Relationships

If you discover that your friend, spouse, or boss is your creditor, it means they are here to repay a karmic debt to you. No matter how poorly you might treat them, they will continue to respect, listen to, and treat you well. These relationships often bring a sense of security and unconditional support.

Debtor Relationships

Conversely, if your partner is your debtor, they are here to claim what you owe them from a past life. This type of relationship can be challenging, as it often involves tension and conflict. A debtor relationship is not ideal for business partnerships due to the inherent imbalance and potential for discord. However, it can still work in a marriage if both partners are willing to understand and address the karmic dynamics at play.

Soulmate Readings: Resolving and Harmonizing Relationships

A soulmate reading can provide valuable insights into the roles your partners play in your life, whether as debtors or creditors. Understanding these dynamics can help you find ways to harmonize and improve these relationships:

  1. Awareness and Understanding: By knowing the karmic nature of your relationships, you can approach them with greater empathy and patience. This awareness helps in recognizing patterns and understanding the reasons behind certain behaviors.

  2. Acceptance and Growth: Accepting the karmic roles can lead to personal growth. Embrace the lessons each relationship brings, whether it's learning patience from a debtor or experiencing unconditional support from a creditor.

  3. Conflict Resolution: For debtor relationships, identifying the karmic debt can help in finding ways to balance the relationship. Communication, forgiveness, and mutual respect are key to resolving conflicts and creating harmony.

  4. Enhancing Positive Relationships: For creditor relationships, acknowledging the karmic bond can strengthen the relationship. Appreciate the support and love you receive, and strive to reciprocate it positively.

Embrace Your Power to Change

All readings serve as a guide and should be approached with an open mind. They encourage you to treat these insights with a light heart, understanding that you always have the power to change your destiny for the better. By recognizing and embracing the karmic dynamics in your relationships, you can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

Image by Antonino Visalli

02. Understanding Blood Line Stars in Relationships

A Blood Line Star indicates that your partner had a bloodline relationship with you in previous lifetimes. They could have been your parents, siblings, or relatives. These types of relationships are typically harmonious and enduring, characterized by a natural sense of closeness and mutual understanding.

Blood Line Relationships

  1. Harmony and Longevity: Relationships with Blood Line Stars are often harmonious and stable, with minimal conflict. The deep-rooted connection from past lives fosters a strong bond, making these relationships more lasting.

  2. Instant Connection: When you meet a friend who is your Blood Line Star, you usually feel an immediate sense of closeness and affection. There is an unspoken understanding and mutual liking from the very first meeting.

The Benefits of a Soulmate Reading

A soulmate reading can help you understand the impact of these karmic relationships on your current life:

  1. Enhanced Awareness: Gaining insights into your Blood Line Star relationships can enhance your awareness of why certain relationships feel naturally comfortable and supportive.

  2. Strengthening Bonds: Understanding the karmic ties can help you nurture and strengthen these relationships, appreciating the deep connection you share.

  3. Navigating Challenges: While Blood Line Star relationships are generally harmonious, a reading can still provide guidance on how to navigate any challenges that may arise, ensuring that the relationship remains strong and positive.

Embrace the Power of Knowledge

A soulmate reading serves as a guide, encouraging you to approach your relationships with an open heart and mind. By understanding the karmic influences at play, you can foster more meaningful and harmonious connections. Remember, you always have the power to shape your destiny and improve your relationships for the better.

soulmate reafing by amylimhealing

03. Genuine Friends vs. Superficial Connections in Relationships

Are Your Friends and Loved Ones Good Friends from Past Lives?

Have you ever wondered if your friends and loved ones were your companions in past lives? Understanding the true nature of your relationships can help you determine whether someone is a sincere and real friend or if they are merely using you for personal gain.

Genuine Friends vs. Superficial Connections

Genuine Friends

  • Sincere and Supportive: A true friend will genuinely care about your well-being, offering support and encouragement without expecting anything in return.

  • Consistent Trust: They are reliable and trustworthy, standing by you in both good and challenging times. This deep bond often stems from past life connections, where you shared a strong friendship.

Superficial Friends

  • Misleading and Troublesome: If your friend frequently misleads you or causes trouble, it may indicate that they are not genuinely invested in your well-being.

  • Materialistic and Fun-Based: Relationships based solely on material benefits or fun may lack depth and sincerity. These connections are often fleeting and can lead to disappointment.

How a Reading Can Help

A soulmate reading can provide valuable insights into the true nature of your relationships:

  1. Identifying True Friends: By understanding past life connections, you can identify friends who have been loyal companions across lifetimes. This recognition helps you appreciate and nurture these bonds.

  2. Recognizing Superficial Ties: A reading can also reveal relationships that are superficial or based on materialistic interests. This awareness allows you to protect yourself from potential deceit and focus on cultivating meaningful connections.

  3. Navigating Relationships: With the knowledge gained from a reading, you can navigate your relationships more effectively, fostering harmony and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

Empower Your Relationships

Understanding the karmic ties in your relationships empowers you to make informed decisions about the people in your life. By recognizing genuine friendships and distinguishing them from superficial connections, you can create a more harmonious and fulfilling social circle. Remember, you have the power to shape your destiny and improve your relationships for the better.

Co-workers in Modern Office

04. Understanding Supportive and Challenging Stars in Relationships

Understanding the Roles People Play in Your Life

In life, some people come into your life to repay you for past deeds, offering unconditional help and support. They appear when you need them most, always ready to assist you. However, there are also those who may mislead you, disapprove of your actions, and compete with you in every way. Understanding these dynamics can help you navigate your relationships more effectively.

Supportive Individuals

  • Unconditional Help: These individuals offer unwavering support, often stepping in at critical moments. Their actions are driven by a sense of duty to repay a karmic debt from a past life.

  • Dependable Presence: You can rely on them without hesitation, as they consistently show up when you need assistance.

Challenging Individuals

  • Misleading Behavior: Some people may deliberately mislead you, causing confusion and hindering your progress.

  • Constant Competition: These individuals may constantly compete with you, seeking to undermine your efforts and achievements.

  • Disapproval and Criticism: They often disapprove of your actions, creating friction and conflict in your life.

The Power of a Reading

A reading can provide insights into how to manage these different types of relationships:

  1. Identifying Roles: Understand who in your life is there to support you unconditionally and who might be a source of conflict or competition.

  2. Strategies for Harmony: Learn strategies to deal with challenging individuals, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding.

  3. Enhancing Positive Relationships: Strengthen your bonds with those who are supportive, ensuring these relationships continue to thrive.

Take Control of Your Relationships

By gaining insights through a reading, you can better navigate the complexities of your relationships. Understanding the karmic influences at play helps you foster harmony and minimize conflict. Remember, you have the power to shape your interactions and create a more fulfilling and balanced life.


05. The Deep Bond of Soul Mate

The Characteristics of a Soul Mate Relationship

Shared Tragic End

  • Past Life Connections: Sharing a tragic end in a past life, such as being buried together, signifies a deep bond that transcends lifetimes.

  • Bone Mass Connection: Carrying each other's Bone Mass symbolizes a profound physical and spiritual connection.

Repeated Reincarnations

  • Reincarnation Cycle: In each lifetime, you and your soul mate find each other, regardless of the forms you take.

  • Unbreakable Bond: This connection ensures that you will meet repeatedly, reinforcing your relationship through various lives.

Harmony and Longevity

  • Perfect Relationship: This type of relationship is characterized by harmony and mutual understanding, creating an ideal partnership.

  • Enduring Love: These relationships typically last a lifetime, marked by deep affection and stability.

Recognizing a Soul Mate Relationship

  1. Instant Connection: You feel an immediate and powerful bond with your partner or pet, as if you've known them forever.

  2. Deep Understanding: There is a natural understanding and acceptance between you, often without the need for words.

  3. Unconditional Support: You provide unwavering support for each other, overcoming challenges together with ease.

Embrace Your Soul Mate

Understanding the nature of your soul mate relationship can help you appreciate the deep connection you share. Recognizing the past life ties that bind you can enhance your relationship, fostering greater harmony and love. This profound bond is a rare gift, offering the promise of enduring affection and companionship throughout your lifetimes.

Image by Duy Pham

06. Twin Flames: Celestial Echoes of Shared Souls

In the vast cosmic theater of existence, there exists a phenomenon that transcends mere chance encounters—a dance of souls choreographed by the stars themselves. These ethereal partners are known as Twin Flames, and their story unfolds across lifetimes, echoing through the ages.

Understand the Characteristics of Twin Flame Relationships

  1. “The Celestial Language”
    • “I hope you find someone who speaks your language so you don’t have to spend a lifetime translating your spirit.” — Unknown

      • Imagine conversing with someone whose words resonate not only in your ears but also in the deepest chambers of your heart. Twin Flames share a lexicon beyond language—a soul dialect that needs no translation.

  2. “Worthy of Cosmic Love”
    • “You were created worthy of your Twin Flame, who is your Ultimate Lover.” — Jeff & Shaleia

      • Within the cosmic blueprint, each Twin Flame is a masterpiece—an intricate brushstroke on the canvas of eternity. Their love isn’t ordinary; it’s the alchemical fusion of stardust and destiny.

  3. “Soul Remembrance”
    • “My soul has always remembered you, my mind is just trying to catch up.” — Nikki Rowe

      • Sometimes, our souls recognize each other before our earthly senses awaken. It’s as if the universe whispers, “Ah, there you are—I’ve missed you.”

  4. “Beyond Mortal Veils”
    • “Your body may age, your looks may fade, but I am in love with your soul, and that, my dear, is timeless.” — @lonely.penguin

      • Twin Flame love defies the ephemeral. It’s not bound by wrinkles or gray hair; it’s an eternal flame that burns brighter with every shared moment.

  5. “Soul Symphony”
    • “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle

      • Twin Flames are cosmic harmonies—an intricate symphony where two notes blend seamlessly, creating a melody that resonates across dimensions.

  6. “Lifetimes of Love”
    • “I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times… In life after life, in age after age, forever.” — Rabindranath Tagore

      • Their love story isn’t linear; it’s a spiral staircase leading to infinity. Each encounter—whether as lovers, friends, or even adversaries—adds another layer to their shared saga.

  7. “Inherent Connection”
    • “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” — Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

      • Twin Flames are cut from the same cosmic cloth. They’re not two separate souls; they’re facets of a gem, reflecting light from a common source.

  8. “Irrevocable Bond”
    • “You are mine, and I am thine, and no power on earth shall make it otherwise.” — Jacob Grimm

      • The universe conspires to reunite Twin Flames. No earthly obstacle can sever the thread that binds them—the silver cord of destiny.

  9. “Natural Union”
    • “Nothing can prevent you from your Harmonious Twin Flame Union because you are a Twin Flame; it’s the most natural thing in the world.” — Jeff and Shaleia

      • Their union isn’t a question mark; it’s an exclamation—an inevitable cosmic truth written in constellations.

  10. “Dreams Realized”
    • “You’re like the love of my dreams, but better. You’re real.” — Unknown

      • When Twin Flames collide, dreams materialize. They step out of the misty realms of longing and into the warmth of shared existence.

In Soulmates Reading: 

Twin Flame Star is like an identical twin that have many similar traits between two people. They have same interest, hobby, dreams and hopes and even physical appearance may resemble each other’s.


In your life you will meet someone that both of you have identical interest or habit that is because both of you are born from the same star sign. It is like one soul divided into two that why both of you longing yto reunion toether. 

In a twin flame relationship, it is believed both individuals come together in this life to learn unfinished life lessons. This deep connection can bring about intense personal growth and spiritual development. Embark the journey and trust the process. Get a reading to know whether your loved one or friend is your Twin Flame Star star.

soulmate reading by amylimhealing


Amy did a Soul Mate Reading for me.I was really shocked after reading her report.It's so accurate till almost all of the things stated, resembles me and my life. It reminds me my strength and weakness and the things I need to do to lead a smoother life and to enhance my luck.Thank you Amy, fir helping me to do this reading. I still can't believe how accurate the reading is. :-)

- Maureen , Singapore

Thanks for the reading. It's very much like me... I have a lot of inner fear of people leaving me or abandon me. Care too much about what other thinks of me... I tend to be overthinking too much till I forget to stop and get stuck in head. Yes, I have been wondering why I tend to freak out if there is huge responsibility placed on me. Now I understand... I value freedom more. and Love travelling so much!


Lot of people tend to dominate me, shamed me or used their authority in an unkind way. like they want to control my life. till to the point that I have been asking myself whether is there really something wrong with me.I met lot of toxic people who want to own me.. It's very depressing... LOL


The reading is so accurate that I will learnt to be more compassionate towards myself and other.

Yup, keep in touch. You are a very good healer!


Thank you Amy

-Summer, Singapore

The Soul Mate Reading is accurate as it describe me well and also some traits that I have never notices I had. I understand now why my mom had never appreciated me no matter what I do. Thank Amy, you bring me a peace of mind as I no more care why people don't appreciated my efforts. I will now live on loving myself.

- Mary, Malaysia 

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