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Are being an Animal means lower Karma beings?

Are being an Animal means lower Karma beings
Are being an Animal means lower Karma beings

Are being an Animal means lower Karma beings

Many people wonder why animals, who are believed to have lower karma, choose to reincarnate as animals. I personally think that our animals have a strong karmic connection with us, which is why they decide to come back and share their lives with us, evolving together. I don't see them as inferior beings; in fact, I consider them to be more spiritually advanced than humans. If you seek enlightenment, observe your pets; they embody the essence of living in the present moment, being calm, open, and mindful. They exist in a state of constant love, embracing life to the fullest. Animals harbor no malice or negative thoughts; they may feel anger but swiftly forgive, endure illness without dwelling on suffering. In essence, they lead a simple existence, devoid of judgments about good or bad in their experiences.

We are all here on this journey of life, each of us learning unique and valuable lessons along the way. It is said that even Buddha himself has experienced life in various forms, having been reborn as both a dog and a tiger in different lifetimes. This teaching reminds us that every living being, whether human or animal, has a special purpose and mission on Earth.

Animals, too, play a significant role in the grand tapestry of existence. They are not just creatures that share our planet; they are beings with their own missions and contributions. Some animals have been known to perform extraordinary acts of bravery and selflessness, such as saving lives or assisting humans in various tasks.

Moreover, animals have a remarkable ability to provide comfort, healing, and support to those in need. Many animals are trained to work as therapy animals, offering solace and companionship to individuals facing challenges or illnesses. Their presence and unconditional love have a profound impact on the well-being of those they interact with.

It is also believed in certain spiritual traditions that our connection with animals goes beyond this lifetime. Some teachings suggest that we may have been reborn as animals in the past, and that our pets, for example, could be souls that have chosen to take on an animal form to assist us in our personal growth and development.

So, as we navigate through the complexities of life, let us remember the wisdom that animals bring to our world. They are not just companions or creatures of nature; they are fellow travelers on this journey of existence, each playing a vital role in the interconnected web of life.

Meeting animals in their final moments has been a great privilege for me. Despite their frail bodies, their spirit remains unyielding. They carry themselves with grace until their very last breath, without any sense of suffering. It is only us humans who experience suffering, as we tend to make assumptions and attach meaning to situations based on our subjective perceptions, which are not grounded in reality. Animals are always our best teachers.


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