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Understanding the Benefits of Energy Etheric Cord Cutting

Benefits of Energy Etheric Cord Cutting
Benefits of Energy Etheric Cord Cutting

Benefits of Energy Etheric Cord Cutting

Etheric cords are energetic connections that extend from our chakras to various beings and places with which we have relationships. These cords can attach to our parents, siblings, current or past romantic partners, children, close friends, pets, and even our homes. Even if we have lost touch with these individuals or entities, the cords may still remain attached, leading to a draining of our energy without us realizing the cause. The individuals or animals to whom we are energetically connected might be drawing energy from us, resulting in feelings of fatigue or emotional depletion.

Unhealthy and painful relationships can manifest as weight and discomfort in our energy bodies, which can then translate into physical pain and unease in our physical bodies. These negative relationships are often rooted in fear and attachment. By severing these etheric cords and releasing the energetic ties, we can create space for peace and love to flow freely once again.

When it comes to cutting these unhealthy energetic cords, divine beings such as Medicine Buddha or Archangel Michael are often called upon for their powerful assistance. They can help us detach from these draining connections, especially in situations where we are seeking a clean break from a romantic relationship. By letting go of these cords, we can facilitate a quicker healing process and move forward with our lives.

If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one or a beloved pet and find it challenging to cope with the emotional upheaval, cutting these etheric cords can offer relief. Regularly engaging in this practice can help maintain a sense of lightness and peace within your energy field. If you are in need of an Etheric cord cutting session, you can reach out to Amy; @Amylimhealing for assistance.

Medicine Buddha is renowned as the king of medicine, and his compassionate energies are widely recognized for their ability to heal wounds in our body, spirit, and mind. By tapping into the healing energies of divine beings like Medicine Buddha, we can experience profound healing and restoration on multiple levels.

Archangel Michael is the leader of archangel. His role is to protect humanity and to lend his 'legions of lighst' in their battle against evil forces. He is often seen carying a sword, who is powerful in protection and cutting ties.

"Michael4" by Michael Jaletzke - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -


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