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Signs of Your Pet is Dying-Process of Natural Elements Breaking Down

Signs of a dying pets
Signs of a dying pets

Signs of Your Pet is Dying-Process of Natural Elements Breaking Down

Everything has a cycle and everything dies, including your pets. There are some signs and symptoms in a dying process but each of us experiences it in our own unique way. This is a natural cycle of transition. There are many paths one can lead to the journey but all lead to the same destination.

Usually the dying process begins before actual death occurs. Death is the journey of ending the physical life and back to the spirit world. The journey may begin from one to three months for a natural dying process. Some pets will go through the whole process, while some pets will only experience some of the symptoms and signs.

When the pet’s death is approaching, they begin to withdraw from the surrounding. The pet will begin to separate from the world, frequently go into hiding or choose a quiet spot to sleep. Sleep takes up most of their time, sometimes they may sleep the whole day but unable to sleep at night due to a weak heart. Your pet's temperament changes, may become more easily irritated or whining. She starts to have less interaction and play with family and other pets. Your pet may refuse touch due to discomfort or pain when being touched. Your pet will spend most of the time sleeping and lose interest in all activities happening around her. For example, she may not be able to greet you at the door when you come home and be uninterested in following you around the house. Your pet's organs deteriorate, causing urine and defecation involuntarily, which she never did before. Do not scold her, older pets feel as bad and lack dignity for doing that.

When days are nearer to death, the body will do a wonderful job to dissolve all the elements. This is the process of shutting down, to enable the beautiful soul to transit. Over this process, there are signs and symptoms of dying and it will happen to all beings. Sometimes it will happen very fast and not be obvious for us to notice it.

Earth element (flesh, bones, organs of smell and odors) dissolve

When the body slows down, there is a reduced appetite and weight loss. Your pet’s body begins to lose strength; she has difficulties getting up, walking, or going for a walk. She easily falls and knocks on things. Her hair loses luster and starts to drop hair. She may have bumps and lumps on the body become itchier caused by dryness of the skin. The once beautiful dark coat will become light and the light coat will become dark. She has lost weight, shrunk in size, and cheeks sink. The teeth may drop and have dark stains. There will be more body odor and smell bad.

Water element (blood, water, and organs of waste) dissolve

These signs usually happen one to two weeks before dying and it is the time your pet starts to sleep most of the time. There is less food and liquid intake as the body is preparing to shut down to enable soul transition. Your pets require less energy now and will not feel hungry and do not crave for foods like before. Some will become very thirsty due to dry and sticky mouth and throat. As the body starts to regulate the water element, the nose will run, dribble more saliva, more discharges from eyes. Some will keep on vomiting and having diarrhea. She cannot control her urine and more housebreaking happens. The hearing becomes distorted and will have difficulty hearing you well. She becomes nervous, frustrated, easily agitated, and angry. She becomes timid and more fearful of loud noises or fear of falling down. Her body often trembles and twitches, body sensations dwindle, alternating between pain and pleasure.

Fire element (warmth, temperature, coloration, organs of sight and form) dissolve

At this stage, the body temperature lowers and also the blood pressure drops. The mouth and nose dry up, the body becomes cold. A steamy heat may rise from the crown of the head and you may think your pet has a fever. Your pet may become senile, forget to eat and drink, or even forget the place to pass her urine and defecate. She may even forget you and her other family members. Your pet will not feel hungry at this stage because she can no longer digest foods. But you need to provide her water by wetting her mouth frequently to her comfort.

Air element (breath, organs of touch and sensation) dissolve

The breathing becomes irregular and getting harder and harder to breathe. Your pet may gasp for breath and panic. Her eyes keep rolling upward and the body becomes immobile. Your pet will sleep and dream more, and sometimes the body will move involuntarily during sleep. She may become unconscious and unaware of the surroundings. You will need to keep her as comfortable as possible by giving more pillows and blankets. She will feel very cold as the body temperature keeps dropping and some will shiver. She will also feel more frightened and may scream and shout in pain. Your pet will become incontinent as there will be a discharge from her private parts; urine and poop come out bit by bit, a natural process for the body to shut down. The breath becomes shallower and shallower, she will find it harder to breathe, then she may gasp for three big breaths, suddenly the breathing stops and your pet passes.


Following this stage, it is recommended to refrain from disturbing your pet's body for some

Signs of Your Pet is Dying-Process of Natural Elements Breaking Down
Signs of Your Pet is Dying-Process of Natural Elements Breaking Down

time to allow the soul to depart naturally. You can still communicate with your cherished pet as they can hear you, as hearing is the last sense to fade. Take care of yourself, as your pet would want you to live well, enabling them to move towards the light without attachment.

Having a communication session with your dying pet can be a meaningful way to express your final thoughts and hear from your pet. Even after their passing, you can continue to connect with them to check on their well-being at the rainbow bridge. Amy also provides prayers both before and after your pet's passing to facilitate a peaceful transition.

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