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Why Do Animals Choose Their Physical Form and Become Our Pets?

Animal Reincarnation
Why Do Animals Choose Their Physical Form and Become Our Pets

Why Do Animals Choose Their Physical Form and Become Our Pets

Whether it be a dog, cat, bird, fish, or mouse, our animal companions have come into our lives to impart, share, and receive lessons about love. Regardless of their physical form, there lies a beautiful soul beneath, offering us unconditional love and various qualities to aid in our personal growth.

They serve as our pets, companions, mentors, and healers. Every animal is unique, arriving in our lives at different stages and circumstances to assist us in spiritual development. For instance, a cheerful dog may teach us to embrace joy, while caring for a sick animal can teach us about love and compassion. By opening our hearts and observing, we can glean valuable lessons from them.

When you choose an animal to care for and shower with love, a part of your soul opens up. Animals love you unconditionally, regardless of your appearance, status, or wealth, fostering relationships that are simple, pure, and uncomplicated. They bring beauty, simplicity, and unconditional love into our lives. Unlike human relationships, which can be complex and ego-driven, relationships with animals are straightforward and pure, often touching our souls and evoking the best in us.

Spiritually, most animal companions teach us to live in the present moment and remind us of the cyclical nature of life, encompassing both living and dying.

Most pets have shorter lifespans than humans (with some exceptions like certain parrots), allowing us to witness their entire life cycle. For many, especially children, pets represent their first encounter with death. While the loss of a beloved pet is a heart-wrenching experience, it also fosters strength and better equips us to cope with the loss of other loved ones, including our own eventual passing.

Some believe that our pets often pass away before us to guide us through the transition as we near our own deaths. Many individuals who have had near-death experiences report seeing their pets, particularly dogs and horses, in a trance-like state, dream, or vision during their final moments.

Appreciate your pets, as it has taken them many lifetimes of affinity to manifest in their current form to cross paths with you. Both you and your pet will experience the cycle of life and death, sharing moments of joy and sorrow, and learning important life lessons together. Your pet serves as a guide to aid in your spiritual and intellectual growth.


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