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Let see what people are talking about the Animal communication and Energy Healing Workshops! 
Thank you everyone for your lovely testimonials!

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore
animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

“An unique way of the beauty of nature, a good listening ears, blending with fun of interactiona among each other using own's energy - that is Amylim's workshop deploying an unconventional way of teaching to simply a natural "ANIMAL COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY HEALING" course”-

Sabrina, Singapore

animal communication and energy healing workshop yestimonialtestimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Testimonials for 1 to 1 Animal Communication and Energy Healing Workshop

A big thank u to Amy for being the guide to assist me thru this life changing journey of mine. Thank u for deciphering and bringing out the gift of clairvoyance in me. Never knew I had it in me and could connect so well to nature till today..I am looking forward to the better communication n relationship with my Furry babies and my fur clients from today. Can't wait for level 2. Thank u for being so patient. A course worth every penny..-

Yogithaa Sachu, Singapore

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore
animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

testimonial = Amy is a very patient teacher. She will answer all your qns and never irritated you. She take care of all the students' progress to make sure we all can catch up the lesson. After the workshop, i found that im can control my energy well . The most important is i found peaceful and forgiveness. .-

Mum Wong, Ipoh

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

I get to understand my pet well now . i hope to be of help to others too”
Serene Ang.  Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Thanks for the great time sharing and learning Amy! I hope I can fine tune the skill to help others in the future”
Sanz.  Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Hi Amy,

Here's my testimonial . I don't have an animal so I
just speak my thoughts. :)


I joined Amy's animal communication and energy healing workshop to
explore spiritually. I am not a pet owner but I felt that I benefit
from her sharing on law of attraction and energy healing. I have a
better idea after the lessons on how important our energy is and the
importance to keep it positive. I feel that some techniques like
chakra healing is not only meant for pet owners but for general
well being as well. I enjoyed the 2 days workshop as I spend my time
with my classmates who are all animal lovers. I could felt their
positive energy and compassion.
I am glad I joined despite my hesitation.

Thank you Amy.


From Elaine. Singapore

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Amy's workshop is a great way to know about the spiritual side of you. Most people do not take the time to venture into what is in themselves and their abilities.


Besides animal communication, this workshop helps one to heal and find alternative methods to de-stress and cleanse their spiritual vessels. The ambiance was very warm and no-frills.


My pets were also happy to know that they're thoughts and feelings can be communicated deeper. 


From Joan Singapore

Animal Communication and Energy Healing Workshops Testimonials

Testimonial to Amy


Amy is a great teacher. She shares and makes learning fun and enjoyable. I have learn a lot attending this workshop especially on how to feel energy during the walk in Botanical Garden.


Thanks Amy for her guide throughout this workshop.


From Elmo

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

> I was devastated when my baby girl Daliah passed on a month ago. I wanted to know desperately if she's happy, if there's food, friends over the rainbow bridge. After 1-1/2 weeks of crying non stop and missing Daliah badly, i started to contact my friend, who has attended Animal Communication last year, to help me to connect with Daliah to see how she was.

> However, the images that she saw when connecting did not give me all the answers i need to know and did not stop me from wondering more about Daliah. So, i decided that I need to be able to connect with Daliah myself and to get all the answers I need. So, I sign up for Amy's Animal Communication and Healing workshop.
> On the 1st day, everything moved very slowly for me. Although Amy guided us step by step, I was not able to focus completely and not get myself easily distracted. So, i was really upset with myself.
> On the 2nd day, everything just suddenly fall into place without me knowing and I can connect with the nature, humans and even my baby Girl whom I missed so much. Not only did I connect with my baby girl, I am also able to get all the answers that i need. I am so glad that my baby girl is happily living her other life.
> Amy guided us very well. She really talk to us and explain patiently all the queries we have. She open my eyes and heart to alot of new things and new experience that I have never thought existed.
> It's really a great experience and journey for me these 2 days and I have so much fun during the workshop!

Thank you Amy for giving me this unforgetable chance and look forward to your next workshop.


animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore
animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

TESTIMONIALS- A Long Testimonial from a Gifted Student

Thank you my guiding mentor Amy for her patience in the workshop..

She had exchanged alot of tip pointers, clarified lots of my 3W 1H and also provided us with plenty of fun, laughters..

From this course, i started paying more attention to the nature surroundings.. And definitely understood that everyone are gifted

in their way.. it might be thru, visual, smell, hearing, taste, touch..

For me.. I'm more of the visualising kind and maybe a bit of smell/hearing.. however, super weak in aura/energy feeling :) perhaps I still need plenty of practices..


I feel contented with my gift.. Thank you the universe, earth and sky for having me, and meeting my mentor and classmates :)


Theres a saying that sharing re-double joy.. And I wish to share a little bit of my discovering after the workshop.


Not sure how many people are like me, but I really lost my cool easily.. simple things like serving me the wrong food item or blah blah makes me real upset and angry... my first lesson, enlightened me like how can I see things from a different angle.. E.g. The wrong food delivered might not be what ive ordered and they refused for the exchange.. That could somehow or rather reminds me that its my mother's favourite food, and I could make her happy by tabao-ing back for her... see? the universe made me a filial daughter..LOL

Amy had also guided that everything happened for a reason. You might not get it now/or even "never" get the things you longed for, but that could mean that the time is not ripe yet, or the universe/earth are helping you to channel that "something" be harmful/disadvantage for You.. So do count all your blessing


My initial intention to attend animal communication/healing is for my bunnies.. And upon graduation, first thing is of cos to test the result of what I've learned.


So the first thing i did when i reached home is....

to send my First visual send to my bunny...

Imagines of

1) her

2) hop inside

3) litter box

4) stand

5) shaking papaya tablet bottle

6) her eating treats


First sending-> she didn't get it

Second trial-> she's trying, but failed

Third trial -> trying, but no movement from her

Fourth trial -> she actually hopped into the litter box and hold her stand, waiting for her papaya tablet :) exactly like what I've pictured her to..

I smiled hahah.. Cos I knew she received my visual :)

Ridiculously amazing!


I'm really glad to have attend the lesson.

Thank you so much Amy


With Love,

Jessica ❤

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Testimonial on Animal Communication Workshops


"Thank you for the great workshop Amy. I learnt so much about cleansing and connecting with my pets. This workshop also enhanced my gift to connect stronger with my spiritual guide and departed bunny. I managed to find out issues my pets are trying to tell me and also to resolve some of theirs. It was a very enriching course including the connection with nature in Botanic Gardens and I love every minute of it. I highly recommend anyone with pets or wish to connect with their beloved departed furry friend this workshop."




animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Testimonial on Animal Communication Workshops


Learning animal communication from the warm, gifted and engaging Amy lim was such a delight. It is clear she has a deep connection with Mother Earth. God bless!- Mita Bhan, Holistic Healer from India.


animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore



ALEXIS, Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

I attended Amy Lim’s Animal communication and healing workshop – Level 1 from 4-5 July 2015. This 2-day workshop was an eye-opener and very useful to me. Small class, great sharing and learning together was really good. Getting connected with nature with a morning walk around Botanical Gardens was beautiful; communicating with our beloved pets, practising the communication skill with other pets is something was totally a new experience for me; learning to heal ourself, others and our pets was great and very helpful that we can apply it any time that we need.

Amy Lim is an awesome trainer, who willingly part her knowledge to all of us. She made us feel comfortable and close and the course was very lively too. She answered all our queries and questions gladly and I appreciate that very much. As the class was small, we had a good mingling and sharing among each other and it allow us to learn even more about various pets, experiences, mother nature, etc... I thank Amy Lim sincerely for conducting this course and I enjoyed it completely and benefited a lot. Thank you once again Amy :)

- Yasotha Nadarajah, Singapore

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

“Thanks for the great time, I 've learn alot from you and others”

Denise D'erette. Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Hi Amy, thanks for being such a wonderful trainer for yday and tdy ! I have really learnt alot and acertained or corrected some of my beliefs about values, work and family. Guess its fated that we met and I will continue to work on the areas which are blocking me (my perceptions and patience). Thanks 
From Esther Foo, Singapore

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

“Thank you for the great time with Amy Lim, I learn more about myself and help my little ones and understand than better”
Jennifer, Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

I woke up one morning and suddenly a thought came to my mind. I need to take Amy's Animal Communication and Energy Healing workshop again.
About half a year ago, in May 2014, i attended Amy's Animal Communication and energy Healing workshop. Within half a year, a lot have changed. I lost 2 more of my kiddies. Altogether I have lost 3 very closely bonded kiddies within a period of 8 months!

It's never easy when you lost your loved ones. Not to mention, 3 of them within such a short period of time. However, after attending Amy's workshop last May and under Amy's constant guidance, I have learn what each of them have taught me and make sure I am good before leaving. I have also been able to connect with them and know they are happily together just like before.

Although i took this workshop half a year ago, it feels like a completely different workshop. The people learning with me are totally different and equally interesting. I learn more new things and have more new insight. I also have a completely new energy! Best of All, connecting with any animals come more naturally and smoothly.
At the end of the workshop, I feel very refresh and peaceful. I am really glad I attend the workshop again.
Thank you Amy for giving me such a wonderful opportunity!


animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

“Amy speaks with inspirating and encouraging words, patient and understanding. Helps me improve in many ways. Thanks to attend her class. Thankyou Amy Lim!”
loke.K.C.  Singapore​

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore


Thank you for the great 2 days AC course packed with numerous learning pointers to take away for our own practise. Especially love the walk in Botanic Garden which has helped me to regain more positive energy after such a long time. And thank you very much for your guiding meditation for me to see my dearest bunny at the rainbow bridge again. It was very emotional. Met great friends as well at this course! Do keep up the good work & continue to help many many more fur pawrents communicate & better bond with their furkids!


May Lee

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore
animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

I came to know about Amy Lim and her workshop via a close peer who also attended the same workshop earlier. I must say because I am impressed with what my peer can achieve by solving some of my earlier pet issue I had and shared her positive experience with me, and together with my desire to communicate with my living and departed bunnies, I decided to take a leap of faith to sign up for the workshop with Amy. Why I said I took a leap of faith was because my spouse, BFFs and close colleagues are sceptical about the effectiveness of the outcome. Coincidentally, with the SG50 $500 payout, it was like God’s will and my intuition (guts feel) told me to go and embrace with an open-mind.


The workshop was held over a December weekends and despite a mere 2 days’ duration, I made new friends with all my course mates. They made my 2 days’ sessions very fruitful, enjoyable and a pleasant learning experience. Thank you, gals. As an appreciation and celebration of this new friendship, I gifted them a stalk of cinnamon basil in a mini glass pot which I grown them myself.


Immediately after the day 1, I went home to try on my furkids and I got most of the answers I need like: (1) Cotton showed me a vivid image of where he used to stay at his previously before the shelter days; he gave me his nod to do Learning Journey with me; but he turned aggressive when I asked about his previous owner details which I guess must be a painful past for him due to betrayal to abandon him. Cotton not just told but counted for me how old he is. The shelter got his age wrong but maybe that's also God's arrangement so we both could meet. (2) Charcoal is a cheeky gal who replied me lamely about her past. Maybe I did not phrase the question specifically enough to her. Nothing much is known about Charcoal but recently she told me her age. It makes perfect sense when I calculate back. (3) Pignic is even funnier…. I asked her why she does not seems to like her previous pellets given and she told which pellets I was referring to. I realized that I changed a few brands of pellets and no wonder she was unable to answer me. My fault.


The most visceral moment ought to be communicating with my departed pet on the 2nd day. One of my departed pet rabbit met me at my grandioso sanctuary place. He was licking my hands throughout the conversation when he was not responding to me. His warm licks were very surreal to me. He was thinner than when he crossed over the bridge but he told me he was busy travelling around the world. He said he did not want to come back to me because he is busy. He also told me he did not see the other departed pet. I asked him why he came to my life and he replied: "To love you". When we bid farewell, he made sure I left first before he did. We had a good conversation and I'm ready to wish him all the best. . This has to be a good closure for me and my pet albeit one can argue the validity of it (just like it is always an open debate of God’s existence) but my inner peace and intuition are very real to me.


This workshop by Amy is a fulfilling journey to both my soul and mind. I discovered that I possess a strong Healing energy that I never realized as I always feel chilled easily and my limbs are the first to turn cold too. Some personal mysteries were solved, some mysteries are created. There are many phenomena in life happening miraculously around us that even Dr. Albert Einstein could not explain even if he was still living today. Phenomena like how earth was formed, is there alien out in the space, why Polar bears are at North Pole while Penguins are at South Pole etc. I guess this is what makes life interesting, enlightening and a miracle one.

Quote: Yesterday is a History; Tomorrow is a Mystery; That's why today is a gift (present)

Thank you, Amy Lim

From Lai Heehee

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

"hi Amy thank you for the wonderful class for level 1 and 2. i have learn alot in your class and has put it into good use to help some animals in healing. thank you for your advise and everything that you have teach me. hope to have more classes again if have chance with you. "
Abby Yoong, Singapore 2016

animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

Had a wonderful weekend learning the ways of AC from Amy. She’s patient and nice, teaching us how to tap into our senses to communicate and heal our beloveds. -Linda Ko


animal communication and energy healing workshop testimonial by amylimhealing singapore

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