Amy Lim Healing

"Unlock the mysteries of your future with our expert divination services. Our experienced team will guide you towards the answers you seek."

Divination Services
Namaste Everyone!
Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit greeting still in everyday use in India and especially on the trail in the Nepal Himalaya. Translated roughly, it means "I bow to the God within you", or "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you" - a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.
In spiritual law, there is no coincident in life. Everything happened for a reason. All past, present and future is linked. Everything is Energy and energy is vibration. When you have the intention, you give out a vibration and you are more likely to sync with a similar energy things or people. Famous saying “When the student is ready the master appears”. That is why similar people always seem to meet.
They are tuned in to the same frequency. When your vibration matches that which you seek you are destined to collide. When your frequency is the same as what you desire, the universe will always find a way to give you what you want. This explained why you are bought to this site.
You may chance on this site from a search engine or social media site. You may have doubts or at a cross road to know which path to undertake. You have a gut feeling to try the divination. It is because your divinity wants you to have some help from someone who has gone through the same path and able to shed lights for you
.If you need a reading or healing on any of your issues. I will be most pleased to shed lights on your path. No doubts Mo Reading is originally from Buddhism culture but there is no religious involve in this reading. Everyone can benefit from it. I wish you many blessing in your paths.
Love, Light and laughter
Amy Lim

Divination can be a helpful tool for gaining insight and guidance in various areas of life. Whether you're seeking clarity on a specific situation or looking for general guidance, divination can provide valuable insights and perspectives. With a variety of divination methods available, from Mo Divination and Reading cards to Dowsing there's sure to be a method that resonates with you and can help you on your journey.
Divination services can be used to help in various aspects of life, including:
Analyzing problems
Clarifying decision-making processes
Helping you understand yourself and others better
Revealing aspects of a situation that are not of conscious awareness
Stimulating intuition
Opening up your mind
Assisting healing
Predicting future patterns or trends
Finding lost objects, people, or pets
Assessing pet health and wellness
Indicating psychic attacks and energy blocks

Divination can be a helpful tool during difficult times. Whether you're seeking guidance or looking for answers, divination can provide insight and clarity. Trust in the process and allow yourself to be open to the messages that come through.
The word "Divination" shares the same Latin root as "divine," meaning sacred, godly, or pertaining to the heavenly realm. Divination is a sacred art; it is a means by which we can discover the unknown or hidden through magic, intuition, or inspiration. For centuries and decades, high priests, monks, royalty, powerful businesspeople, and common people have sought help from divination to enhance their lives.
Amy has been practicing divination for more than 30 years. She uses her intuition with divine guidance to offer support to all her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges that may lie ahead of them.
Our Divination Services
Divination is a tool to let your divinity speaks to you

The Tibetan divination system, called Mo, has been relied upon for centuries to provide insight into future events, undertakings, and relationships. It is a clear and simple method involving two rolls of a die to reveal one of the thirty-six possible outcomes. Mo readings can advise on all matters of life and answer all your personal questions.
Areas of insight include:
Psychic attack
Looking for helpers
Wish fulfillment
Finding lost objects or pets

Soul Mate Reading
Find out how a relationship from past lives with a certain person or pet can affect your current life. Soul Mates Reading takes you the furthest into your future and helps you gain a greater understanding of yourself and the people around you. Whether they are your business partners, friends, loved ones, enemies, debtors, or creditors, you will gain new insights and perceptions on how to work better with them.D

Intuitive Dowsing
ntuitive Readings can be conducted face-to-face or as distant sessions. This fast and convenient method addresses all your queries, offering guidance on:
Psychic attacks
Looking for helpers
Wish fulfillment
Finding lost pets or objects
Amy uses cards and pendulum dowsing to provide advice on all matters of life and to answer your personal questions.
Our Card Reading Services
Divination is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with your inner divinity and receive guidance from your divine guardians. Our card readings can help you tap into this wisdom and gain clarity on your path forward. Let us help you unlock the power of your own intuition and connect with the divine forces that guide us all.
Messages from your Soul
Soul Journey Card

We are all learning life lessons on this Earth. Do you want to know what your life lesson is at this moment and what you should do to improve your situation? Get a Soul Reading to understand your life path right now.
Messages from your departed pet
Talk to your pet in Spirit Card Reading

Connect with your pet in spirit through a card reading. hear their thoughts and messages for you.
Messages from your Spirit Guide
Animal Spirit Guide Card Reading

Do you wonder who your animal spirit guides are? Let their wisdom enlighten your path by doing an Animal Spirit Guide reading.
Message from Ganesha
Ganesha Card Reading

If you have an affinity with Ganesha, let his wisdom guide you through difficult times and enlighten your life path.
Messages from your Chakra
Chakra Card Reading

Discover which of your chakras are imbalanced with a Chakra Card Reading. This service will identify energy blockages and suggest remedies to restore balance and harmony in your life.
Messages from you Higher Self
Soul Purpose Card Reading

A Soul Purpose Card Reading reveals your true calling, helping you understand your life's mission and providing guidance to align with your highest potential.