Amy Lim Healing

Rejuvenate Your Body, Mind and Spirit

The 5 Elements
Soul Retriever and Five Elements
Life is about Balance!
Ancient shamanic teachings, The Five Element: Earth, Five, Water, Air and Space are considered to be the substances of all things and processes. The Five elements are also significances to our body main organs spleen. Liver, kidney, lung and heart. And each of these major organs have a soul part that governs our five senses, five major emotions, and the constituents of every physical, sensual, mental and spiritual phenomenon experiences. The elements are correlated to different emotions, temperaments, directions, colours, tastes, body parts, illness, thinking styles and character. Harmony and balance are the keys for the elements, any imbalances of these elements will greatly affect our health and wellness.

Soul Retriever and Soul Loss
Soul loss is a spiritual concept that refers to the experience of feeling disconnected from one's true self or purpose. It can manifest in various ways, such as feeling numb, empty, or disconnected from others. Many cultures and spiritual traditions believe in the possibility of soul loss and offer various practices to help individuals reconnect with their inner selves.
The soul is understood as a balance of the subtle energies and qualities of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Each person is born with a unique manifestation of these elements based on their karmic links, with individual differences arising from the varying strengths of each element.
In contemporary society, despite having material comforts like a job, family, and home, many people feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction, disconnection, and lack of joy. This internal imbalance often leads to feelings of being lost, unsatisfied, and depressed. Success in career and relationships does not necessarily equate to inner harmony.
When we are unbalanced, there is a sense that something is missing, preventing us from feeling truly fulfilled. This phenomenon is observable in the lives of many celebrities who, despite their success, engage in self-destructive behaviors, possibly due to a lack of inner balance or soul loss. Soul loss can damage our life force energies and chakras, manifesting as physical weakness and illness, and affecting our emotions, energy, thoughts, and spiritual well-being. In extreme cases, it can even lead to death.
Soul loss often results from inevitable challenges in life, such as unhealed childhood trauma, sudden shocks, unexpected deaths of loved ones, accumulated stress, accidents, traumatic experiences, natural disasters, or even past life experiences.
The good news is that it is possible to retrieve what has been lost. Harmony is key to nature and all elements. Balancing the elements brings wholeness in all dimensions of experience. This balance can be applied to various aspects of human life, including health, relationships, spiritual practices, psychological well-being, and emotions.
Soul Retrieval Healing focuses on the spiritual removal of aspects that should not be present in a person and the return of lost spiritual parts. This process helps individuals recognize their strengths and allows their body, mind, and soul to mend and heal the broken parts.

Are Your Soul Loss?
You are easily distracted?
You are unable to smile?
You lack a sense of wanting or needing more for yourself?
You are not happy about everything?
You feel discounted and not in your body most of the time?
You feel weak most of the time and a sense of exhaustion?
You have a sense of lack even though you have everything you want?
You have a deep sense of loneliness?
You lack trust in people, the world and yourself?
You have pale completion and dark under eyes circles?
You have recurring nightmares?
You have suddenly loss a long term job, relationships or death of a loved one?
You have a traumatise experience or witnessed one?
You have been sick for a long time?

Earth Element
Earth usually represented as Mother Earth, mountains, rocks, soil or grass. Earth is linked to the north and winter, the season of recuperative withdrawal and dormancy. Earth’s quantity is solid, firm, grace, strong and unshakeable. Earth can helps to retrieve your lost part from fear, insecurity, unstable feelings in all situations, lack of discipline and concentration. if you unable to sleep well due to over dreaming or often feel ill and weak, very likely your earth elements is out of balance.t's easy.

Water is usually represented by rivers, oceans, blood and teardrops. Water is able to shape itself in all container, remaining us to be flexible. It is linked to west and autumn, a time for gathering and preparation. Its quantity is linked to peace, calm, serenity, togetherness, clarity, pure and harmony. Water can helps to retrieve your lost soul part of uncomfortable feeling in body and mind. If you feel unable to complete any projects you do, unable to achieve reasons you want, constant failure in everything including relationships, lack of peace in thinking, worry endlessly, you should get a soul retrieval of your water elements.

Fire is usually represented by sun, burning candle or woods. It is always uplifting and stand for source of spirit, joy, creativity, passion, enthusiasm and inspiration. Fire’s healing action is cleansing, uplifting and transformative. Fire can transform, and it can also destroy, it can helps to destroy unwanted clutter and creating space for new. Fire is linked to the south and summer when it energy is the highest. Fire can helps to retrieve your lost soul part if you are unable to feel any joy and happiness in life. If you are unable to do any planning, lack of meaning and passion in life, feeling weak and helpless, you need to retrieve your five elements.

Air is our vital force, our breath. It is usually represented by strong wind and cloud. It is linked to the mind and thoughts, air is the medium for breathing, communicating and healing. Air is linked to the east and spring, a time for fresh growth and new beginnings. Air can helps to retrieve your lost soul elements if you are feeling lazy, heaviness, slow in thinking and action, lack of drive and too many negativities in thinking. If you are feeling overwhelmed with plans and thoughts, easily excited, moving too fast pace that you feel exhausted, you may have too much air elements and thus need to balance up

Space or Ether is the only element that has no physical existence in the 5 elements and it does included all the other four elements. Space is usually represented by open space, dessert or sky. Space is imaginary, openness and helps us look for spiritual source, expansion and live in present moments. It is the wheel of all elements and seasons, which magnifies its healing potency. Space can help to retrieve your lost soul parts if you are feeling struck with life, lost confident of anything, self-hate, feeling life is a death end that you feeling so helpless and depressed. If you are feel obstruction in your spiritual path, lack of awareness, lack of sacred relationship with everything, unable to visualise or mediate, doubts in your spiritual practice, you need to retrieve your space elements.